lucius plugs harry fanfiction

Lady in Red Remedial Potions: A Dream Come True* Summary: He doesnt want to say something hes going to regret, because it all might just be worth it one day. Summary: Some moments never seem to come, and if they do they are all the more precious to us making us forget the most basic things. Author: Mistress Slytherin Summary: As it tends to be with Malfoys, nothing is what it seems to be. Rating: PG-13 He turns to an unlikely person to hold his darkness at bay. Author: Lady Lazarus/Abyssal Butterfly* Author: keikokin Harry Potter and San Simeon Warnings: fem!Harry, underage, bonding Hope Gone* He is about to play a very cruel game, Wicked Wizards Rating: R Punctilicious In Regret* Lucius has a secret of his own, as Harry happily finds out. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry goes back to his master. Rating: PG Warnings: D/s Author: Maeglin Yedi Warnings: mpreg, OOC Warnings: non con, mpreg Summary: Harry falls asleep to the clanging of chains about his wrists and dreams of the days he can never forget. If you are not of legal age, no matter how interested you may be in reading smut, please come back when you are. Summary: Coincidences happen. Summary: The missing kiss scene in Green Lights, then he kissed me and I thought I was dying. Rating: R A Father Again Warnings: non con, violence Reminiscence Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: shamelessnameless Anima Legata* Author: Kindred All Wrongs Done * Rating: T Author: Stardind How will she handle Dumbledore, school, life, and love now that shes the Dark sides princess masquerading as a light witch? Warnings: character death Completing the Collection Pairings: Harry/Lucius, implied Harry/Severus Harry engages Lucius in lazy conversation. Author: Joey Penn Royal Flush Potters Side How will Harry handle becoming Lucius little lover. Conjugal Visit Author: Hijja Summary: Harry feels both worry and anticipation as he waits for him. Author: alafaye Summary: No summary provided. Author: SM Malfoy AS | SH | AA | Italian translation** | Portuguese translation | Russian translation. You have a lot to pay for, boy.. Find the Way Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Snape, Lucius/Harry, Severus/Harry Rating: NC-17 Warnings: bondage Author: moonlightreader One asterisk (*) denotes multiple partners in a romantic or sexual relationship; Two asterisks (**) denote hosting websites requiring sign up/log in to read. Author: Celandine Rating: NC-17 Almost Perfect Christmas What if Voldemort threatens the baby? Alone? Rating: PG By any means necessary. Summary: Facing a past truth might be the prelude to a future dream. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, past Harry/Voldemort, Harry/McNair, implied Harry/Narcissa What does Lucius do? Warnings: BDSM, power play, age difference Little by little he remembers his past life, but Harry Potter no longer exists. His Good Boy, part 3 of the Life at Malfoy Manor series Rating: NC-17 Author: keikokin Author: keikokin Summary: When Lucius mate died during the War, he thought he would join her in the afterlife. Author: Sestra_Prior Summary: Someone pays a visit to an old enemy-cum-ally and a relative. Montagues Law* Punishing Potter* Rating: NC-17 Like the feel of sunlight on his face, and Luciuss smile, and that he likes long-haired men. Warnings: suicide, infidelity, underage Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Summary: So many readers asked for Lucius perspective on Harrys death, so here ya go. Summary: Angst song-fic. Becoming a Broodmare * Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Now two years later, hes directionless and alone. Author: eeyore9990 Warnings: BDSM (bad etiquette), slavery, orgasm denial Warnings: PTSD, anxiety attacks Or, does he? Warnings: veela, mpreg Author: Chaos Goddess Shop Full Width; Shop With Sidebar; . Poppet Rating: NC-17 Top!Harry, non con, and this thing was so freakin much fun to write, you have no idea. Grey, part 3 of Larry snippets Summary: No summary provided. Huntsmans Compromise Warnings: non con, multiple partners, violence, character death Warnings: dark!fic, mentions of multiple partners Rating: PG-13 Dumbledores Prank Mistake* Rating: R Warnings: AU, violence, character death, D/s, dub con, torture Rating: NC-17 Author: Sapphira_Ruby Warnings: darkfic, manipulation Summary: Harry goes back to his master. Warnings: dark!Harry Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other Rating: NC-17 Library. Summary: When Lucius becomes a divorced man, him and Draco need a new home built. Summary: The drop of his wand signals the end of the final battle and of his own personal seven year struggle against Voldemort. Between the Cup and the Lip Warnings: fluff Summary:Harry is given the chance to end the war as long as he agrees to an unknown favour from Lucius and Severus. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Desperate to have a family Harry Potter answers an ad in a Gay Wizarding Magazine. Rating: PG Obliviate Summary: Its Harrys birthday but somebody else gets the surprise. Author: leni_jess Summary:Harry just got back. Author: Lady Bahiya/LadyBelz Warnings: AU, slavery, power dynamics, dub con Daddy Like (Bad Decisions, Taste So Good) Rating: R Rating:T The How to Guide Warnings: mpreg, creature!fic Summary: Amber will play with white in Luciuss hair, and he will breathe and breathe in his faint perfume scent. Warnings: BDSM Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry Potter runs into Lucius Malfoy in a deserted corridor of Hogwarts. Rating: R Author: Hopeakaarme Warnings: non con Bound Magic ~ Harrys Story Author: selfproclaimed_princess Summary: After the war, everybody wants to make decisions for Harry, Lucius is one of the few that doesnt and maybe thats what drew him to the man first, after all Malfoy knew everything about being controlled, a strange mix of times, places and events about two people preparing for Christmas. Author: lupusdragon Author:Bridgette_Hayden Draco, suspicious, searches for and finds Harry in his rooms at the Manor. Warnings: dub con, incest, BDSM, drug addiction Rating: NC-17 Author: ausmac Warnings: gore, sexual violence, non con Whore 6 AO3**| FFN. Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes All Unexpected Author: TheSiner A Malfoys Ways Warnings: mpreg, creature!Harry, veela!Lucius Summary:How does Lucius react when the grounds are being over run by golf balls? Summary: This story follows on from OoTP. Restraint* Warnings: crossdressing Summary: What if Harry Potter went back in time, fell in love with Lucius, and then was forced to return to the present? Author: keikokin Author: liveandneverforget Black Complication * Rating: M Author: Minxie Ambush When forced into a sexual encounter, Lucius and Harry discuss the plausibility of an intimate relationship between them. Not So Speechless After All, sequel to Speechless* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Author: Immortality22 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry sits in the dark. Of the Order of the Phoenix there were two survivors. Rating: R Warnings: enslavement, dubcon Summary: Draco was used to coming home from school to see a new servant. Warnings: underage Summary: Written for Beloved Enemies Dictionary Drabble word florilegium: a collection of excerpts; an anthology of short pieces. Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Draco/Harry, Draco/Harry/Blaise Rating: NC-17 Warnings: implied past mpreg Rating: NC-17 Author: Xandria Too bad it wasnt worth shit. Rating: NC-17 Summary: It all started with a kiss. Story from Harrys POV. Summary: At the end of CoS Dobby isnt there to protect Harry from Lucius wrath, and the stubborn defiance of the boy is something Lucius finds quite rousing. Warnings: non con, AU Author: Jade How will others? Dark Harry AU. Author: SlytherinHawkins105 Author: Moon Babe Warnings: kink Warnings: fem!Harry, genderbending, het and lesbian sex Calm Yourself Kings of the Wheel Not everything, or everyone, are as they seem. Private Contention, part 2 of the Obedience and Instruction series Just another day at Malfoy Manor, part 2 of the Life at Malfoy Manor series Rating: PG-13 Just a slip of the tongue Detention Author: blue soaring Summary: After escaping his vile relatives, Prince Harry comes face to face with unexpected dangers. Red* Author: isiscolo Sedated and Compliant Learning to Dance Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Luciuss Gallery* A Dictionary Drabble based on the word relinquish. Summary:Lucius, Lord Malfoy had a gift. Author: k8bnimble Rating: R Summary: Lord Lucius receives the sweetest gift of all from his friends, a darling little boy. Warnings: character death Summary: Harry and Lucius have an accident that forces them to bond. Loves Desperate Adventure Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Author: Aspen Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Summary: At the end of 6th year, Harry comes into his inheritance. Rating: R C is for Chocolate Author: Yami Ryo Summary: HP Remix. Warnings: AU, possibly OOC Author: keikokin The Darkness Within Dirty Little Secret Rating: R Author: ladycat777 Summary: Harry has to travel to the past to seduce and convert Lucius to the Light. Summary: Harry found a way to hide from a world that wanted too much from him. Rating: NC-17 Then My Own Dear, Come Here, Come Here* Summary: Prompt letter: H Prompt: Harrys pregnant, but every time he tries to tell his lover, hes interrupted. Rating: NC-17 He decides to have fun. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Charlie, Harry/Snape, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 The Case Ebony ne Potter didnt realize that wishing at the stone circle would bring her to a younger version of her husband, who would fall in love with her. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, character death Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: amanuensis Author: Desdemona Sakura/ La Morraine Warnings: mpreg Summary: Changes at the Ministry affect the lives of two prominent citizens greatly. Rating: NC-17 Author:Furorscribiendi Unfortunately, Seamus doesnt deal well when he feels threatened. Fathers and Daughters Best Served Cold Where was his husband? Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 But for the wizarding world under the ruthless rule of the Dark Lord Voldemort, well, its a little more all-encompassing than that. It was the summer of my eighteenth year when I fell in love. Summary: Harry and Lucius share their Christmas together at Particular, an isolated Malfoy house deep in a silver wilderness. A Fracture of the Minds Eye Rating: R Summary: The Final Battle is here, and Harry stands on the brink of damnation. Author: son_of_darkness Summary: This fic is part of the Beloved Enemies Harry/Lucius Fuh-Q-Fest. Rating: M Choose the most attractive wizard you can find and seduce himonly to find hes your soul mate and now you have to figure out how to catch and keep him! Rating: PG-13 Warnings: non con, dubcon, sexual slavery, piercing, whipping, bondage, blood, forced exhibitionism, double penetration, first time Written for Beloved Enemies inaugural Dictionary Drabbles challenge. Author: Nephir Love, Us* Before Lucius can meet with the headmaster he runs into Harry. Summary: His lovers kicks him out and he loses their child, but in time times will be okay. Father. Comfortably Numb Author: softlysweetly Remembrance Author: Daisee Chain Rating: NC-17 Well, everyone but Draco. Author: Juxian Tang Author: wickedblack Summary:Lucius takes the same drug as Harry and they live in a world that pleases them both. Warnings: gender bending, AU, kidnapping Summary:Harry resigns himself to a lonely Christmas, only to be surprised when his lover turns up on his doorstep. Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Remus/Harry Rating: NC-17 He dies at his hands. gayness. Summary: Dont sneak out alone, Harry, they always tell him. Author: Bishmonster Author: KalaKitsune Harrys Lovers* Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry and Lucius continue their discreet relationship, until Narcissa gets wind of it. Call It Love Warnings: creature!Harry, dark!Harry, character deaths, OOCness, character bashing Summary: Harry runs away from home, but his mate follows him, determined to save his love. Over the Table Rating: PG-13 Author:Sigil Dagger Summary: The Muggle world is a cold and unfriendly place to a wizard used to the finer things in life. Summary: The Potter curse strikes again and our poor uke hero finds himself, de-aged & lust potion doused, at the mercy of the Malfoys. Author: Sestra_Prior Changes in the Wind Rating: R No Real Risk Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: belleamant Author: elfflame Author: Titti Loose parody of A Christmas Carol. Rating: R Truth Or Dare? Pairings: Harry/Ron, Harry/Lucius Summary: While Lucius gives a speech in front of the student body, Harry intends to prank the arrogant man. Summary: Lucius may be rotting in Azkaban, but he has one constant visitor. Summary: Harry tells Lucius something he previously thought impossible. Summary:Why did Harry changed sides? Author: Nymphadora/JsPrincess Lucius unwittingly creates a new tradition in the Malfoy household at Christmas. Author: Captain Rachel Smith Warnings: BDSM, crossdressing, check notes for more Author: suicidallyreckless Author: Lomonaaeren Heres the real storyReading that is dangerous to your own health. But then he discovered something his parents left behind for him that has him questioning whats going on. Rating: R Broken Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco In fact, more things are setting themselves to right than even Lucius could have wished for. Author: keikokin Radix Acclaro* And how far is the sender willing to go to seduce the strong and handsome wizard? Harry goes to save him. Not knowing what else to do he puts Harry up for sale on a popular wizarding slave trade site. Author: keikokin Summary: The bed was huge, decadent to the point of being obscene, covered in black comforters of velvet, silken sheets ethereal white. Author: forestgreen / Erin LaCroix Summary: Lucius has a serious problem. Rating: NC-17 Author: EntreNous Inspired by a request on LJ. Once Upon A Wedding Author: Minxie Warnings: underage, polyamory Warnings: threesome, incest Rating: PG-13 Its beautiful. Author: SweetSorcery Author: softlysweetly Summary: Just when he thought he had the upper hand, life is turned upside down for Harry He is sequestered by Lucius Malfoy for the dark wizards personal pleasure Slowly but surely he surrenders to the inevitability of his captivity Torture can break the strongest of men. Summary:Harrys back at Hogwarts, coping with the upcoming war, Death Eaters, and unstable relationships of all types. Summary: No summary provided. Or how Ron gets traumatised, earns the title of godfather, and becomes a decent father-figure in the process. Warnings: auto-eroticism Warnings: mpreg Summer Rain* Pleasures of the Flesh document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This blog shares and promotes Harry Potter/Lucius Malfoy fanworks. Given Up to Sun Summary:Lucius Malfoy knows what he wants, but does Harry want the same? Author: Xandria Author: ejab I lived an amazing lifestyle, with a bougie apartment, sexy sugar daddies and a never ending closet!So when I woke up in the 15 year old body of Harry Potter the first thing I did was leave the ugly ass Dursley's to get a gig, afterall money always made things better While I plotted to win over my Harem of fictional male characters, because I am after all extremely thirsty . Warnings: BDSM, threesome, OOC, mpreg, drug use

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lucius plugs harry fanfiction
