the committee documentary abortion

The law cannot and should not stop people from seeking out life-saving health care. The film tracked abortion opponents actions: lobbying state legislatures, looking to see where courts drew the line on what constituted an undue burden, then seeking to incrementally restrict abortion access within those evolving parameters. Actress Sarah Jessica Parker narrates the piece, acknowledging briefly in the introduction that her own family faced financial difficulties during her childhood. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Photo from The New York Times, July 2, 1969. Here is a partial list of stations that will air The Committee. Esposito, a web application developer for a tech company, presented emotional testimony before the committee in support of Senate Bill 798, which seeks to enshrine abortion rights in the state's constitution, if approved by voters in 2024. The film's stories of women's desperation are haunting . Accuracy and availability may vary. The centerpiece of their message: The most dangerous place for an African American child is in the womb.. Lets hope it incites us to action, and not to despair. That said, Himes is committed to shaping policy that evens the playing field. They were so detailed in care, said Doris, whose second abortion with the collective was remarkably different from her first one, via the Mafia. Howard agreed to help the friends sister and continued to perform abortion services for women who came to Booth for assistance until she lost touch with him. Howard, a Black surgeon and civil rights leader who had recently moved to Chicago after receiving death threats from the KKK for speaking out about Emmett Tills murder. There's reason for people on opposing sides of abortion to talk, even if they disagree Kate Isaacs, Excellent, important, timely, urgent and needs to be seen and discussed widely Peter Coleman, Founding Executive Director of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4) at The Earth Institute at Columbia University and author of. The House State Affairs Committee passed a bill making it illegal for an adult to transport a minor across state lines for an abortion, with the intent to conceal it from the parents or guardians . Meryl Streep narrates this touching documentary about African women who are rescued from being outcasts in their villages when giving birth leads to obstetric fistula. Copyright Laws of the United States, AT UCF The documentary begins with a cautionary tale. These courageous leaders risked their personal safety and professional livesto meet secretly for six years under the guidance of Essential Partners co-founder Laura R. Chasin and mediator Susan Podziba. We'd love to read your comments. Nobody wants to spend an hour on [Interstate] 95. Do you understand that? Brutal, costly abortions at the hands of the Mafia. JUDITH ARCANA: Women did awful things out of fear and desperation. BOOTH: A friend of mine said that his sister was pregnant, nearly suicidal, not prepared to have a child. Member states are obliged to protect and uphold the rights to life, health, privacy, liberty and security, along with freedoms from torture and inhumane, cruel or degrading treatment. Same-sex marriage became legal in Florida in January, 2015. They would begin to engage in more cross-partisan efforts. Emphasized again and again is the message that we cannot rely on antiquated laws propping up white-supremacist patriarchal institutions to support or care for us. The broadcast version also updates viewers on same-sex marriage in Florida. Correction: This story originally stated that Roe v. Wade was decided in 1972. The USs role as a leader on the world stage does not exempt the country from these obligations in fact, it should require them to do more, said a representative from the Global Justice Center, which is one of the signatories. Rarely has a documentary been quite so timely as The Janes. UCF History Department Lawmakers may have the power to legislate which actions are legal and which are not, but they cannot simply end abortions. Now, the American Medical Association is fighting back. Essential Partners is a 501(c)3 organization, 2016-2023 Essential Partners |Site Credits. The film traces the committee's origins in the era of McCarthyism and anti-gay propaganda while detailing the personal stories of those intimately involved with its activities. O n the day Angela Saini talks to me from her book-lined study in New York, the patriarchy is hard at work all over the world. The students, with backgrounds in English, accounting, journalism, computer engineering, art, and radio/TV production, were assigned into production teams where they would best be able to use their abilities. Directed by Tia Lessin and Emma Pildes, this film spotlights the Chicago-based underground abortion network called The Jane Collective. The Labrant family's YouTube documentary on abortion was met with immediate contempt on social media. CARL VAN NESS After Tiller is streaming on Amazon Prime. Members were able to set up a much more compassionate setting that was respectful to women, she said. Judith Arcana was one of them. FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. The Supreme Court Has Overturned 'Roe v. MONICA MONTICELLO, MONICA MONTICELLO BROWARD COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE After Tiller documents how four remaining third-trimester providers have continued carrying Tillers legacy. They each were charged with eleven counts of abortion and conspiracy to commit abortion. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 409 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20024-2188. Any exceptions allowing abortion in very narrow circumstances for example, where an abortion is necessary to save the life of the pregnant persons life, or when the pregnancy is the result of rape are practically unworkable, the signatories write. The group helped an estimated 11,000 women in Chicago get access to safe, affordable abortions in the late 1960s and early 70s. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Photos taken by Flip Schulke Flip Schulke Nobody wants an unstable banking system.. by removing unnecessary regulations on certain drugs. Nelson A. Rockefeller signs a bill repealing the state's 1830 law that banned abortion after quickening except to save a woman's life. Susan Geiger Since its first season in 1983, FRONTLINE has been covering the battle over abortion at both the national and state levels. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Washington D.C., Jun 23, 2021 / 09:00 am. Editor's note: This review was originally published at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival. A new documentary series warns about the dangers of chemical abortions, as the Biden Administration has recently removed restrictions on the abortion pill . This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. That was it. DEL BARCO: Posting the phone number on bulletin boards and underground newspapers, the Janes set up a clandestine system. Try some deep breathing - very reassuring. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Legislation across the U.S. indicates that states are bracing for the potential of a post-Roe world. DEL BARCO: Booth, who is 76 years old, has been fighting for women's reproductive rights since she was a 19-year-old college student. In the letter, the signatories ask recipients to communicate with the US about these violations, to request an official visit to the US, and to ask the country to comply with its obligations under international law as a UN member state. And while showing how the collective was informed by the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, the documentary misses an opportunity to situate the Janes work within both a historical and global context. The film traces the committee's origins in the era of McCarthyism and anti-gay propaganda while detailing the personal stories of those intimately involved with its activities. Arcana, now in her 70s, and other members, who were college age to middle age, were known as Jane, a code name used to avoid being caught. Vessel premiered at SXSW Film Festival in 2014, winning the Audience Award for Documentary in Competition and a Special Jury Award for Political Courage. Released in 2018, Just after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, Reversing Roe examines how the abortion debate became more heated than ever before. Nicki Nichols Gamble (top row, right) was the President of Planned Parenthood League of MA at the time of the clinic shootings and throughout the six yearlong dialogues. Shout Gladi Gladi. The documentary also reported on the increase in clinic invasions and threats. Screenings come with free resources, including the official ABORTION TALKS dialogue guide by Essential Partners. used by permission and protected by the Through contacts made at those hearings, the committee identified about 150 families whose stories they explored for the documentary. The US government just took two big steps on abortion. JOHN TILESTON The stories and experiences of those interviewed demonstrate how care is a radical act and how it served as the organizational principle that shaped the collectives operations. The films stories of womens desperation are haunting and ominous. Essential Partners NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. We must care with compassion, and unlike in the male-dominated medical establishment, encourage collective care and knowledge. DEL BARCO: In 1972, police raided the operation and arrested seven of the Janes, including Arcana, who told NPR she was a nursing mother at the time. The experience would forever change how they speak to and about each other. Although some initially hesitated to appear on camera, all of them understood that these rights were slipping away and that these stories were relevant, said Tia Lessin, who co-directed the film with Emma Pildes. Will they matter? There is no moral argument for legacy preferences at places like Yale University. If you do not see your local station listed here, we urge you to contact them and ask them to air this film. Yet, amid this violence, a hopefulness shines through. Some eventually began performing abortions themselves after the older man they previously relied on, who used the code name Dr. Abortion restrictions, the signatories write, deny womens decisional and bodily autonomy in a way that rejects the agency, dignity and equality of people who can become pregnant.. She reached out to women at various activist meetings and, quickly, dozens of women joined her. Im just enormously happy with the outcome of the committee, Himes said. As a new U.S. Supreme Court term begins, revisit FRONTLINE documentaries that show how conservatives gained a court majority and give context for last term's major decisions on abortion, guns & more. Get in the bathroom. Here are two documentaries that offer context to the Supreme Court's ruling on abortion. Women dying in septic abortion wards from self-induced efforts (one OB-GYN interviewed recalls seeing a woman who used carbolic acid), and clandestine abortions gone wrong. Michael Hugo resigned as the chair of the Framingham Democratic Committee in Massachusetts on Thursday following weeks of backlash for complaining about the cost of special needs education for . the committee documentary abortionthe renaissance apartments chicago. YOU'VE REACHED YOUR MONTHLY ARTICLE LIMIT. This documentary, accompanied by dozens of in-depth interviews published as part of the FRONTLINE Transparency Project, examined then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnells decades-long campaign to transform the nations highest court and its profound implications. AMY SIMPSON, UCF College of Arts & Humanities Web Team, LOU ELLEN KRAMER Interviews were conducted with members of the Florida public school system, survivors of the Johns Committee, a retired police officer who worked with the committee, and former Florida governor and retired U.S. DORRIE BARRON: I was petrified. Anita Bryant "I Believe" Album Cover On June 1, 2016 the film will be released to more than 70 local public television stations via APT. Wes Moore, behind her, during a news conference in support of bills to protect access to abortion. Frances X. Hogan (bottom row, right) is an accomplished legal professional who has served in leadership roles for numerous pro-life and Catholic organizations, includingWomen Affirming Life and the Pro-Life Committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. TIA LESSIN: There's audacious women who outmaneuvered the Chicago Police and the Catholic Church and the Chicago mob to help other women in need. You'll receive access to exclusive information and early alerts about our documentaries and investigations. Where is the money? We did it. Web Site Copyright 1995-2023 WGBH Educational Foundation. Members of the public gather outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on May 2, 2022, after a leaked draft majority opinion signaled the likely end of Roe v. Wade and nearly 50 years of abortion law. I asked if you thought it was OK. Florida Film Festival 2013 The film details how the women of the Chicago-based group worked and helped women obtain safe and affordable abortions. These norms must be deployed against the state here at home as well. The Committee is a documentary film about the little-known Florida Legislative Investigative Committee of the State Legislature from 1956-1965. to meet secretly for six years under the guidance of Essential Partners co-founder Laura R. Chasin. Rebecca Hodges In the aftermath of John Salvis murder spree at two Brookline clinics, leaders from opposing sides of the abortion debate met together in secret talks. The Supreme Courts Dobbs decision has successfully overturned a womans federal right to an abortion; nearly 50 years later, Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land. Web Site Copyright 1995-2023 WGBH Educational Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Abrams Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Park Foundation; the Heising-Simons Foundation; and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation, and additional support from Koo and Patricia Yuen. The class sought out interviews with experts who could speak with authority on the Johns Committee or the current state of LGBTQ affairs in the state of Florida. And all of a sudden, they were gone. Taking the lead in the red state race to make The Handmaid's Tale a documentary, South Carolina Republicans have introduced a bill that would impose the death penalty on women who get abortions. The documentary provides a somewhat chronological account of their work, ending with the public arrest of several of its members, the threat of long prison sentences, and the interventions of their attorney. Directed by Tia Lessin and Emma Pildes, this film spotlights the Chicago-based underground abortion network called The Jane Collective. The Idaho House State Affairs Committee moved forward a bill on Friday that would make it a felony crime to transport or recruit a minor for an abortion without parental consent. Nearly 50 years later, Roe v. Wade could be overturned. That is when such a situation arises. SYLVANA FERNNDEZ COLLEEN HAMILTON, LYNN AND LOUIS WOLFSON II A new documentary tells the story of "The Jane Collective," a group that helped women with nowhere else to turn for a safe abortion, in the days before Roe v. Wade. The class also watched the only documentary previously made on the subject, Allyson Beutkes Behind Closed Doors: The Dark Legacy of the Johns Committee. NPR's Mandalit del Barco has this report. Filmmakers Tia Lessin and Emma Peldes. The system is tilted in favor of people who have already made it, and we need to be really serious about addressing that, he said. Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation. Experts believe that the use of a law traditionally used against physical threats could change the landscape. So goodbye Jane.. The law was rendered unconstitutional after the passage of Proposal 3 in November. (The reason, he alludes to on camera, is that the Mafia was closing in on him.). 1970. But for what it's worth, I didn't ask how often or when at all it might happen. The movie focuses on the tale of a real person, Abby Johnson, a former director of Planned Parenthood, who claims she left the organization after witnessing a 13-week abortion on an ultrasound.. Suncoast Emmy Award Nomination - Editor The 1960s, culturally, was rooted in the belief that we are the change we seek, and that radical societal change was possible. The documentary and supporting materials serve as a perfect springboard to have healthier, deeper, more connective conversations about abortion in your context. Pregnant women seeking abortions in Chicago had few options before 1973, when the Supreme Court codified the right to have an abortion in Roe v. Wade. DEL BARCO: Until the Supreme Court decision in 1973, abortion was a felony in the state of Illinois, as in most of the country. The abortion clinic is less than a mile from Texas, where abortion is illegal. But their lawyer, Jo-Ann Wolfson, had a plan to keep delaying the court proceedings because she knew that the Supreme Court was hearing a case about another Jane Roe v. Wade. This is going to hurt, but it won't hurt for long. Ultimately, just three were included. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. The complexion changed, noted Marie Leaner, one of the only Black women in the collective. Arrange a preview screening of THE ABORTION TALKS in your campus, library, faith center, or community. And how they are designed, to maintain the white-supremacist patriarchy, means that they will continue to harm and criminalize women, queer and trans and racially marginalized people no matter what the law says. In a letter shared in advance with the Guardian and sent on Thursday by nearly 200 organizations and experts, the authors detail how, since the overturning of the federal constitutional right to abortion in June 2022, some 22 million women and girls of reproductive age live in states where abortion access is now either banned or inaccessible. Cassanello, Mills, Hos and their former students launched a fundraising campaign to cover the cost of licensing images and music in the film. Signatories in the letter list prior actions from the UN Human Rights Committee's over abortion . "We went old school to find one of the . DEL BARCO: Then they'd move to another Jane's home, what they called the place. Wheres the doctor? Members of the Jane Collective, an underground . The 30-minute documentary, Grit & Grace: The Fight for the American Dream, features three families facing varied economic challenges a North Carolina man grieving his parents while working to finish college, a family caring for twin sons with special needs in West Virginia and an immigrant mom in California who struggled to keep her business afloat during COVID. When the decision was delivered on Jan. 22, 1973, legalizing abortion throughout the United States, Wolfson quickly petitioned the district attorney, and all charges were dropped. As the day nears that the Supreme Court might overturn Roe v. Wade, the directors said they hoped viewers would draw inspiration from the former Janes.. That feminist history is the subject of The Janes, an HBO documentary set to premiere on the network and begin streaming on HBO Max at 9 p.m. Additional funding is provided by the Abrams Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Park Foundation; the Heising-Simons Foundation; and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation, and additional support from Koo and Patricia Yuen. Rep. Barbara . The collectives origin story is not unlike the origin stories of other movements: A call for help catalyzes an action, which results in another related action, and another. The documentary featured the perspectives of women with unplanned pregnancies, as well as people who worked inside the clinic and members of the community who protested outside. In this short documentary, FRONTLINE followed a group of African American anti-abortion activists and their work inside the Black community. And then it was time to do something else. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Seven of the women were arrested in a police raid with charges of abortion and conspiracy to commit abortion in 1972, just before the historic Supreme Court decision. So weve got to address those things.. The leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court signaling an intention to overturn Roe v. Wade makes HBO's upcoming documentary "The Janes" extremely timely. More 33 mins 13 Jun 2018. You need an abortion. ARCANA: When abortion is not health care, it's felony homicide. We knew that some would be injured, some would die, former member Judith Arcana says in the film. Not all materials collected were included in the resulting new documentary about the Johns Committee. Directors: Erik Cieslewicz, Brooke Sperry | Stars: Dino Corvino, Liz Hayes, Chrystina Head, Frances Irwin 9. After realizing the consequences of anti-abortion law around the world, she took it upon herself to provide abortions on ships in the ocean. They each were charged with eleven counts of abortion and conspiracy to commit abortion, and each faced up to 110 years in prison. N. ADAM WATSON The . The assurance, the trust, the respect I got when I tell you they changed my life, they changed my life., She added, holding back tears, When I saw women caring about women it was a whole new world for me., The Jane Collective is estimated to have provided around 11,000 abortions from 1969 to 1973. Rep. Jim Himes, D-4th District, was tapped last year to lead the U.S. House Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth, an issue he said is in my face every single day in his southwestern Connecticut district home to one of the nations highest concentrations of millionaires and some of its most economically distressed communities. The committee was tasked with producing a report with policy recommendations, but Himes wanted to go further than that. The US must be castigated on the world stage for its treatment of women, girls and others who can become pregnant the scale and intensity of human rights violations that the US is inflicting on its population are near unfathomable at this point, said Christine Ryan, legal director of the Global Justice Center, in a phone interview. The U.S. Supreme Court intends to overturn Roe v. Wade, according to a draft majority opinion Politico obtained and published May 2. Efforts to revise the ending of the film began shortly thereafter and WUSF-TV in Tampa agreed to pitch the film to the American Public Television Exchange for national distribution. 7 min read. Seven of the women were arrested in a police raid with charges of abortion and conspiracy to commit abortion in 1972, just before the historic Supreme Court decision. Booth tells her story in "The Janes." When a draft opinion from the Supreme Court leaked last month, suggesting the court could be poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, the directors of underground abortion network documentary The Janes . June: National Right to Life brings together state . Barron says someone in the Chicago mob took her to a seedy motel with another young, pregnant woman. This story was originally published by Idaho Reports on March 3, 2023. But when youre talking about people and their hopes to better themselves economically, you can tell some wonderful stories., Drawing a parallel to the U.S. House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021 Capitol attack, Himes said, They radically changed the way a congressional committee communicates with the American public and we did the same thing with this documentary.. The documentary explores how the killings ignited a fierce debate about the intersection of free speech, abortion and religion and contributed to a Massachusetts law allowing a 35-foot buffer zone around abortion clinics that would be struck downby the U.S. Supreme Court in 2014. Overriding nearly five decades of legal precedent, the Supreme Courthas overturnedRoe v. Wade, the landmark1973 ruling that legalized abortion in the U.S. Roewas egregiously wrong from the start, Alito wrote in his draft, which also takes aim at the 1992 Supreme Court rulingPlanned Parenthood v. Casey. The letter sent on Thursday was addressed to a number of UN agencies and officials, including the Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls; the Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; and the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy. You know, Netflix or HBO isnt going to distribute it, but were hoping that there will be continued interest in showing it around the country., Jim Himes-led committee releases documentary on economic disparity, Tyler Sizemore / Hearst Connecticut Media, 2023 Hearst Media Services Connecticut, LLC, New Milford aids The Silo nonprofit with $107K facilities upgrade, Stratford resident stunned by earthquake destruction in Turkey, In Photos: African-based food tasting event held in New Canaan, Greenwich parking an obstacle to outdoor dining's return, Arming guidance counselors? And in addition to offering a deeply personal window into choices the women faced in unplanned pregnancies, the film examined the steadfast belief of the anti-abortion community that there should be no choice at all. And many private . Dorrie Barron tells us what it was like for her to get an abortion before the Janes and Roe v. Wade came along. 833. Drawing on a landmark FRONTLINE film from the 1980s, the documentary takes a look at both sides of the abortion divide in a community still embroiled in the conflict. So, Mike trained the Janes to perform abortions themselves. Almost daily, the Reproductive Health Services clinic in Montgomery, Alabama, receives several versions of the same call: Are yall still doing abortions?". Booth says she found a willing doctor who promised safe, secure procedures. Check your local listings for air dates and times. Two members of the Chicago Police Departments homicide unit show up to the apartment where the abortions were being done that day and were baffled. And although they continued to disagree, together they successfully prevented future violence. The couple said they wanted to send a message of being "pro-love" rather than "pro-choice" or "pro-life," but viewers have . These abuses lie firmly at the Biden administrations door, added Ryan from the Global Justice Center. Others turned to Chicagos organized crime syndicate, but its services were expensive and often unsafe. I cried with her: the diary of a doctor navigating a total abortion ban. Three of the Janes - Heather Booth, Judith Arcana and Marie Lerner - say they hope their story inspires others. UCF OFFICE OF LGBTQ SERVICES BOISE The Idaho House State Affairs Committee passed a bill Friday making it illegal for an adult to transport a minor across state lines for an abortion, with the intent to conceal it from . But months before her passing, Nick Sweeneys documentary examines how McCorvey overcame poverty, neglect and abuse all while being positioned as the symbol in one of Americas most contentious modern debates.

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the committee documentary abortion
