Green Vine Snake

Green Vine Snake

This is a pet Green Vine Snake. (His name is Loki.)

The green vine snake is a very unusual snake.  For instance they average about 4 feet  (1.5 meters) but only get a little wider than a pencil.  They are usually a light green color but when feeding can get a bluish pattern.  One way to tell a vine snake from another snake is their long head with a pointed snout.  They have a long flat head and rectangular pupils as well, similar to goats.

The vine snake is not only fearsome looking but also fearsome acting.  They have what scientists call rear fangs!

The rear fangs can inject a poison which paralyzes it’s prey there for rendering it helpless.  The bite can’t paralyze prey as big as us but it still hurts real bad!

One Response to “Green Vine Snake”

  1. JUST AWESOME!!!!!!Gr888 Job

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